UFO August again…

Sad to say, the cowl didn’t work out.  I cast on an impossible amount of stitches, did about an inch of it – and realized that although I loved the yarn, I hated the project.  That’s not a good sign with 200 stiches on size 2 needles for a cowl.   So I frogged it, and the yarn is sitting on my basket where I see it every morning.   Where I can think about it and try to come up with the perfect project.  Just not right now – but soon. 

In the meantime, I was tired of the July socks – finished one, but just didn’t want to start the second.  So I started another pair


Van Dyke socks from The Book.  In Neighborhood Fiber Co Studio Sport.  I got this yarn a few years ago in a swap – it really is beautiful, and I love the socks (I’m actually a bit farther than the picture shows).    I think these will go really fast – toe up, sport weight.  What’s not to like?

I realized, though – that I’m a little out of control on my projects.  I have two pairs of socks. four shawls and a cardi on the needles.  And although I know that’s not a lot of projects compared to some people, its a little too much for me.  Or at least a little too many shawls.  A couple of years ago, I joined UFO August.  And last year, I joined the UFOlympics.  And both times I cleaned up some projects – finished or frogged, but they were out of the basket.  And I think I’m going to do the same thing this year.  Even if its by myself.  So starting 8/1, I’m not going to start anything new – I’m going to finish some of my projects and clean out my knitting basket.   

Specifically, I want to finish both pairs of socks, and the Ulmus and Nefertiti shawls.  And after those are done, I want to finish the Swing Shawl.   I’m working on Ulmus right now, and I’ll bring something with me on vacation – long car ride, long days at the beach, nights relaxing – I think I’ll get a lot done. 

After I finished those shawls, that will just leave me the Wool Peddlar’s Shawl and Acer.  I’m planning on picking up the shawl after the other ones are done, but I think I’m going to frog Acer – I started this months ago, and I only have a few inches done – I’m not sure I’ll be able to pick up where I left off since I didn’t write down where I was.  But – I think I’m going to leave the yarn in my knitting basket and restart it once the weather gets cooler.  Its a beautiful sweater and I love the yarn – and its time that I did another sweater.  So hopefully by October, I’ll have finished everything I have going now – and be in a good position to start some new projects!  That’s the plan.

So what about you?  Do you have a lot of projects you want to finish?  Want to join me in cleaning up things in August?

19 Responses to UFO August again…

  1. Let’s get it done! I think I have socks, a baby sweater, a linen tank, and an orange beaded scarf on the needles right now. I hope that’s all…

    But I’m going to Sock Summit and I’ll have even more socks on the needles when I’m done there!

  2. Steven says:

    I have one project that’s been languishing for well over a year — it’s practically “extinct” rather than “unfinished.” I’m madly trying to finish a pair of socks before heading out West — I want to have a clear head for The Summit! No new projects. Lord only knows how many UFOs the Summit will generate! I’ll sending “finishing” vibes your way.

  3. Cookie says:

    I think that’s a wonderful idea. I can’t imagine how you keep track of your place on four different shawls all at once. I’m having trouble with one simple scarf.

  4. Denise says:

    those van dyke socks were super fun. So far I am sticking to my All Cookie A Wendy D Summer of socks through August. I am working on a plan of attack for a vest for golf buddy brendan’s birthday in the fall using a gansey pattern. sock weight yarn and size 0 needles so of course I need to buy some more sock yarn to “practise” with.

  5. Valerie says:

    I’ll join you! Thats a great idea!

  6. Robby says:

    Hmmmm, discipline? Maybe just what I need to unload a couple of things. If only my friends would quit developing a need for prayer shawls. Maybe I could finish ONE thing in August (besides these two prayer shawls).

  7. shea says:

    I have several unfinished projects and just can’t decide if I’m actually going to finish them or not. I’m considering frogging them. If they couldn’t keep my interest the first time, I don’t think they’ll actually regain it the second.

  8. katie says:

    I have a shawl on the needles that’s a really simple garter stitch utility shawl and it’s just been floundering for months. part of the issue is that i’m handspinning the wool with a drop spindle and i just haven’t had the energy to spin currently.

  9. Kim says:

    As I was reading your post, I was thinking that it would be nice to hurry and start some extra projects then join to clean up…I’m going crazy!

    There are a few UFOs around here, but I tend to be a finisher and don’t really have enough to bug me yet. I love the concept and am selfishly happy that you will be posting wonderful photos of those finished shawls and socks!

  10. Lorraine says:

    Jeanne- Great minds think alike. I have finished a few things, knit a few pairs of socks, and gave myself permission to begin something special.

    I think getting away will inspire you.

  11. Sorry about the cowl… at least you figured out it needed frogging before you got close to the end. Your August goals seem knitable within a month, good luck with it!

  12. katie m. says:

    Good luck with the new socks! Your August plan sounds like a very good idea … I’ve got so many things in my queue for fall, I’ve also got to start clearing off the needles.

  13. misa says:

    You do have a lot of UFOs right now. I had a serious UFO problem a couple of years ago, so I made a list of them and would cross them off as I finished them. I felt really good to see the crossed off list.

  14. Linda says:

    LOL I too have too much on the needles that I need to get off. And more ideas in my head. But I was wondering, how is Cieara doing? You mentioned her high fever, and the fear of lyme’s. I am hoping all is well!

  15. weezalana says:

    I generally max out a three wips. Otherwise I have anxiety. 😛 But I should probably take pics and do the FO post for the Indigo Ripples Skirt I finished a YEAR ago. That might be a nice goal for August…

  16. Ren says:

    i think i only have one project on the needles, but i haven’t worked on it in a looong time… my knitting mojo is apparently GONE. hopefully i’ll pick up that one project in august, lol.

    good luck with your UFOs! i’m sure you can finish them!! : )

  17. Anna says:

    That’s a good plan. I have very little on my needles at the moment – I’ll be away for August with little knitting time, so I’ve been winding down a bit over the last few weeks. I do find when I have too many projects on the go that it can really stress me out, which is not the idea for a hobby!

  18. What a sweet boy!

    I love your idea for UFO August, but I think I have to pick a different month. Too much going on in August.

  19. rhoda says:

    oh no..sorry to hear the cowl didn’t make it. you’ll come up with something better for that yarn though. it was destined to be something great. 🙂 good luck with your ufos’s. i’m in the midst of trying to finish things up..and who knows, i just might pick up my sesame again! 😮

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