
I got a message on Ravelry tonight….I’m almost famous!

They wanted my permission to use one of my pictures for a pattern page…


See? (I’m JeanneL on Ravelry by the way).

 I was so excited…it is sort of like being famous, isn’t it?  No?  Please don’t burst my bubble….(ok, I went back to Ravelry to bask in the glow – and realized that only two people have made this pattern!  I’m totally not going to pay attention to that – it is special!)

Tommorow we are taking Cieara and her friends to NYC to celebrate her 16th birthday.  We are going to Bryant Park where we will check out the holiday shops (I hear there is qiviut there!) and ice skate, and then over to Times Square for shopping and dinner.    It is going to be cold, and snow is on the way, but I’m looking forward to it – New York is so pretty at this time of year.  And there is something about super-excited teenagers that just make me smile…

But I’m really looking forward to Sunday – it is supposed to be snowy/nasty so I’m staying in and finishing my Christmas knitting .  With a fire.  And a cat on my lap.  And a cup of tea.  And hand-made socks.  Doesn’t that sound nice?  OK, maybe a nap too.

I hope you have a nice weekend!

12 Responses to Wow!

  1. Ina says:

    Congratulations, Famous! Nice socks.

  2. adrienne says:

    That’s fantastic!! Congrats!

  3. Opal says:

    If I stand really close to you will the famous rub off on me? 😉

  4. hakucho says:

    Congratulations on getting your photos published in ravelry. I’m very excited for you, too 🙂 Ravelry is the best! I love how you can see what everyone does with a particular pattern. Very inpiring!!

    Sounds like you have a fun day ahead and then stay warm and safe tomorrow. Good luck getting all your knitting done 🙂

  5. Wanda says:

    Have a great weekend! Sounds like Cieara will have a great time going to the City with her friends too!

  6. Jeanne says:

    Very exciting! Your Sunday sounds perfectly lovely. I hope it goes as planned.

  7. chris says:

    Yes it is! Congrats. It’s very flattering, isn’t it? Hope you have a great time in the city.

  8. Shelly says:

    That is so exciting! You have every right to bask in that glory! Hope the Sunday plans went without any problems!

  9. Terri says:

    Can I have your autograph please? ;o)

  10. Carin says:

    I can see why Ravelry would want the pic. Beautiful colours and nice even stitches. Congrats!

  11. Ashley says:

    LOL! You know… I’ve had several of mine become the pattern pics now… and it’s cause I was the first or only one done. 🙂

    So look at it this way, you were one of the first on ravelry to finish it! You have major talent. 🙂

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